
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "Backlog" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#1602 THOUGHTSTORMING: allow attaching of meta-information to sender reference New 0.00
#2479 THOUGHTSTORMING: Investigate possibility of quick clean shutdown of threads after ActorSystem.shutdown completes. New 0.00
#2591 Solve name lookups asynchronously drewhk New 0.00
#503 THOUGHTSTORMING: Add exponential back-off to restart fail of immortal actor New 0.00
#2190 DOC: document blocking database actors pattern New 0.00
#2622 Ip address patterns support for Transports New 0.00
#2127 Create a DSL for creating middle man supervisors in an actor hierarchy New 0.00
#1387 Optimize for method inlining (< 35 bytes) in the hot path New 0.00
#2234 DOC: document how to set up Scala and Akka in a Java environment with Maven and Eclipse New 0.00
#2060 THOUGHTSTORMING: Investigate possibility to use Thread.stop(reason) to kill the processing of an actor New 0.00
#2390 Set up Boundary monitoring tools on the cluster testing machines New 0.00
#72 Remote REPL (remote management of actors) New 0.00
#2128 Research richer querying API for navigating/finding actors in a hierarchy New 0.00
#849 reST support for linking to API from docs New 0.00
#1778 Look into some (standard) benchmarks for Akka New 0.00
#1975 ømq: make polling scheme more intelligent for REQ/REP sockets Accepted 0.00
#1434 ActorPath: possible toString improvement New 0.00
#1603 Optimize remote send in same jvm New 0.00
#1552 NAT Firewall for remote actors New 0.00
#962 Ensure that the akka.conf is semantically equivalent on all nodes New 0.00
#2516 Design and implement a case-study Akka vs MQ for reliable messaging New 0.00
#1293 ACTOR: split into bare-bones and DSL New 0.00
#1658 allow multiple ActorSystems to share a remote endpoint New 0.00
#1866 Investigate running Akka cluster on Heroku New 0.00
#1798 Switch network protocol to use Protostuff New 0.00
#2235 Use scribt to automate the protoc compilation on every compile New 0.00
#1446 ActorPath: cache actorFor lookups for RemoteActorRefs New 0.00
#2035 Investigate possibility to use Thread Affinity for dispatchers New 0.00
#2741 Update giter8 templates to latest version of Scala Rich Dougherty (richdougherty) New 0.00
#1473 elide Supervise message when possible New 0.00
#2625 Automated release via jenkins New 0.00
#1525 Screencast for new ActorSystem New 0.00
#3004 TailChoppingRouter New 0.00
#2624 Check for pgp signing on release New 0.00
#2636 Remove math.uncommons dependency Accepted 0.00
#1526 Screencast for new addressing New 0.00
#1260 Allocation and Migration Strategy for clustered actors New 0.00
#2274 Investigate if we can use Twitter's Lago load-testing toolkit for creating load-tests New 0.00
#1112 Identify slow tests and improve their speed New 0.00
#1527 Screencast for new Future API (SIP-14 / Scala 2.10) New 0.00
#644 Java API to the FSM module New 0.00
#2465 THOUGHTSTORMING: FEATURE: User-level throttling New 0.00
#1214 CAMEL: Akka-Camel Message is not wrapping Camel Jetty Message's .getAttachment method (for multi-part form support) Raymond Roestenburg (RayRoestenburg) Accepted 0.00
#1968 zeromq: add performance test New 0.00
#1961 Sending to an Actor with BoundedMailbox via the network blocks Netty thread New 0.00
#1528 Screencast for new Routing New 0.00
#1130 Switch to ScalaBuff for Protobuf New 0.00
#2681 Create a "standard" Echo actor available for tests New 0.00
#1476 Create /alias path with configured aliases New 0.00
#2457 Look into if we can use JaCoCo4sbt code coverage tool + sbt plugin New 0.00