
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "0.6" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#670 Default dtype in MRG_RandomStreams binomial and multinomial methods Olivier Delalleau (odelalleau) New 0.00
#747 Make a page on how to contribute New 0.00
#528 For all release: run test on a 32 bits computer with python 2.4 Frédéric Bastien (nouiz) assigned 0.00
#752 scan_perform, cuda_ndarray, cutils_ext and lazylinker_ext: allow to keep multiple version of them in the cache New 0.00
#760 SoftmaxGrad: implement its grad and the R_op New 0.00