
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "1.0" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#395 versioning pickled objects New 0.00
#642 Add C code for theano.scalar Ops on complex dtypes New 0.00
#770 using PureType causes compilation and failure New 0.00
#345 Make use of tolerate_same New 0.00
#719 Elemwise optimization should be writed as scalar optimization New 0.00
#397 convOp mode to match input size New 0.00
#94 memory management for efficient resizing New 0.00
#645 Stabilize the vector norm New 0.00
#376 scan and object arrays New 0.00
#403 auxiliary library for complicated ops New 0.00
#301 Documentation for complex optimizations, like GEMM none New 0.00
#151 better type checking functions New 0.00
#650 Make tanh faster by using scaled sigmoid form New 0.00
#152 AssertionOp New 0.00
#204 wanted: solve op New 0.00
#652 Subtensor should support the Ellipsis ([...]) syntax, and newaxis (None) argument New 0.00
#507 Elemwise op should use sse/mmx instruction for exp, log, cos, sin and possibly others New 0.00
#205 wanted: svd op New 0.00
#407 optimize element-wise matrix initialization and/or copying with block-wise functions like memset and memcpy New 0.00
#532 Advanced indexing New 0.00
#206 advanced merge for multiplication and addition New 0.00
#509 minimize memory usage of join New 0.00
#333 DebugMode not picklable New 0.00
#410 Loop fusion(elemwise, dimshuffle and reshape op fusion) New 0.00
#359 Give a page crediting all individual authors none New 0.00
#632 factor constants out of sums New 0.00
#360 Auto-documentation on push? none New 0.00
#210 conjugate gradient op New 0.00
#159 threading New 0.00
#513 Gpu mrg: move under cuda directory New 0.00
#514 Detect theano bug in old experiment. New 0.00
#84 test gcc fastmath New 0.00
#110 bracketting dot chain New 0.00
#636 Speed up compiledir read time. New 0.00
#415 more aggressive gemm optimizer based on "candidates" New 0.00
#613 SparseVariable don't have c code for Shape_i and DeepCopy. New 0.00
#314 pylint should be autogenerated daily New 0.00
#807 make vm/cvm gc work better with lazy op. New 0.00
#265 Tests for graph pickling assigned 0.00
#88 multiple clients for nodes in patterns (PatternOptimizer) New 0.00
#493 c_code unroll value of ConvOp computer on each computer/os/version/shape none New 0.00