
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "Hell Freezes Over" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#292 Dev + stable branches none New 0.00
#93 Inline scalar constants in Broadcast's C code New 0.00
#68 example of how to plot curves, matrices assigned 0.00
#196 Figure out good optimization hints New 0.00
#598 R operator for fast exact multiplication by Hessian New 0.00
#122 op tutorial - identity, commutative, associative none New 0.00
#46 Sanity check mode for dense/sparse matrices New 0.00
#98 review design of Op.c_compile_args, Op.c_support_code, etc. in CLinker assigned 0.00
#352 Idea: Interactive Debugger New 0.00
#48 check out liboil New 0.00
#23 Graph Visualization New 0.00
#404 dimshuffle has different strides in python and in c New 0.00
#49 add interface to fftw New 0.00
#626 "default" Op does not work with DebugMode New 0.00
#328 Non-standard op methods should raise a warning New 0.00
#455 Detect at run time gpu configuration none New 0.00
#579 Remove Elemwise and Dot on the inputs of scan Razvan Pascanu (pascanur) New 0.00
#50 decision trees? New 0.00
#76 make Ops and Results manipulate CodeBlocks New 0.00
#26 grad() can spit out cryptic stuff when there's a problem, needs work assigned 0.00
#386 simplify Variable/Value/Constant New 0.00
#611 Wanted: optimization that stabilizes log((tanh(x)+1)/2) New 0.00
#312 pylint output should like to epydoc source none New 0.00
#389 Theano disable gcc warning bergstra Accepted 0.00
#414 use acml for some faster function New 0.00
#566 nosetests should pass with device=gpu New 0.00
#10 sparse target matrix support (xent_softmax_csr) assigned 0.00