
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "Someday" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#274 Scalate Mustache shouldn't escape plain text under <script>, <style> html elements and must honor {{{}}} {{&}} expresions New 0.00
#298 Precompiler sporadically fails with InstantiationException New 0.00
#106 Allow templates to extend custom traits Hiram Chirino (chirino) Accepted 0.00
#55 Scaml: Apply as many filters as possible at compile time New 0.00
#60 Scaml: Object References New 0.00
#92 Document or create an archetype for deploying to GAE New 0.00
#111 if you precompile your templates, then deploy your WAR as an expanded WAR - changing templates don't reload New 0.00
#83 create rpm, deb, pkg for the scalate release for easy install on linux James Strachan (jstrachan) New 0.00
#218 would be nice in jade/scaml that attribute values could be function calls without requiring {} wrapper New 0.00
#295 Spring view resolver does not apply static model attributes New 0.00
#142 support compiling templates on the fly inside OSGi New 0.00
#1 a development time REPL for experimenting with controller/resource/DTO/model objects? New 0.00
#3 ant task for pre-compilng scalate templates New 0.00
#5 generate nice HTML from the source code so folks can browse the code more easily - maybe using SXR? New 0.00
#9 support the mapping of an XML element to a function invocation in SSP New 0.00
#10 the current template compiler depends on the context class loader being a nice behaving URLClassLoader - which fails by default in maven tests. Can we pass just a class loader to Scala compiler? New 0.00
#12 XML based template engine - like the XML flavour of JSP? (maybe called SXML?) New 0.00
#113 support for async/future expressions? New 0.00
#117 SSP expressions which are function calls or identifiers could avoid the {} New 0.00
#100 should " be quoted as &quot; by default? New 0.00