
To view a burndown chart, enter the start date of your iteration or Milestone, and the Milestone that you are working on. Remember to add a "Due date" when you add or edit the milestone. Enter the "work remaining" field whenever you add or edit a ticket. This chart will show your burndown and assigned workload for the selected Milestone.

Current work remaining

Open tickets for "V19-M1" milestone

Number Ticket Assigned to Status Current work remaining
#247 qa/paqa_devs sound is distorted if numChannels > 2 Phil Burk (philburk) New 0.00
#195 crash in CoreAudio on 10.5.x Phil Burk (philburk) New 0.00
#97 [META] Some PA recommended deviceInfo->default*Latency values are bad or unimplemented Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#98 [META] Harmonize Pa_OpenStream() suggestedLatency param to native buffer size calculations Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#198 PA/CoreAudio may use non-optimal host buffer sizes in some corner cases Phil Burk (philburk) New 0.00
#99 [META] ensure 0 Pa_OpenStream() suggestedLatency param means "use minimum implementable latency" Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#201 Write a test that prints out the default latency values for each device Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#202 Verify that each host API returns non-zero default latency values using test from #201 Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#181 [META] ensure reported streamInfo->input/ouputLatency values are correct Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#203 Manually test that PA default latencies result in no glitching for each host API Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#227 Pa_OpenStream on Mac hangs when running multiple streams with different rates Phil Burk (philburk) New 0.00
#122 PA/DirectSound recommended deviceInfo->default*Latency values are (higher than necessary) Ross Bencina (rbencina) Accepted 0.00
#205 M1 Latency related code review Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#206 QA Test: compare loopback and reported stream latencies for each host API Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#185 use patest_wmme_find_best_latency_params.c to gather viable WMME default latency values Ross Bencina (rbencina) Accepted 0.00
#186 Use patest_dsound_find_best_latency_params.c to gather viable default DirectSound latency values Ross Bencina (rbencina) New 0.00
#145 QA: run/compile each test on each platform and check with each host API Phil Burk (philburk) New 0.00