Uses of Class

Uses of Function.InvalidArguments in

Methods in that throw Function.InvalidArguments
static Function PF.adapt(Function f, int i, Function a)
 PF PF.adapt(int pos, Function a)
static LP.ConsCell LP.append(java.util.Collection lists)
 java.lang.Object PF.apply()
 java.lang.Object Function.apply()
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(boolean arg)
          Apply this function to a boolean
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(boolean[] arg)
          Apply this function to a boolean array
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(byte arg)
          Apply this function to a byte
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(byte[] arg)
          Apply this function to a byte array
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(char arg)
          Apply this function to a char
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(char[] arg)
          Apply this function to a char array
 java.lang.Object PF.apply(java.util.Collection args)
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(java.util.Collection args)
          Applies the implemented function to the passed in collection of arguments.
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(double arg)
          Apply this function to a double
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(double[] arg)
          Apply this function to a double array
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(float arg)
          Apply this function to a float
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(float[] arg)
          Apply this function to a float array
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(int arg)
          Apply this function to an int
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(int[] arg)
          Apply this function to an int array
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(long arg)
          Apply this function to a long
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(long[] arg)
          Apply this function to a long array
 java.lang.Object PF.apply(java.lang.Object arg)
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(java.lang.Object arg)
 java.lang.Object Function.apply(java.lang.Object[] arg)
          Apply this function to an array of objects
 java.lang.Object NUM.Binary.apply(java.lang.Object x, java.lang.Object y)
 java.lang.Object NUM.BinaryTest.apply(java.lang.Object x, java.lang.Object y)
static boolean FP.atom(java.lang.Object x)
          Method to simplify the use of atom
static Function NUM.avgDamp(Function f)
 PF PF.bind(int pos, java.lang.Object val)
static java.lang.Object stream)
static java.lang.Object stream)
static java.lang.Object LZ.cdr(java.lang.Object stream)
static java.lang.Object LP.cdr(java.lang.Object stream)
 void PF.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void NUM.Unary.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void NUM.Binary.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void NUM.BinaryTest.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void LP.ConsCell.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void LP.EmptyConsCell.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
 void Function.checkArguments(java.util.Collection args)
          Override this method to check conditions on the arguments (like types) passed to the function in apply before the operate method is called.
 PF PF.compose(Function g)
static Function FP.compose(Function f, Function g)
static Function LZ.cons(java.lang.Object a, Function f, java.util.Collection args)
          Cons-stream is a special form defined so that
(cons-stream ) is equivalent to (cons (delay ))
static java.lang.Object LP.cons(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b)
static Function LZ.delay(Function f, java.util.Collection args)
          Use the functional member delay to delay the application of a given function to the given arguments
static Function NUM.derive(Function g)
static Function NUM.derive(Function g, double dx)
static Bag Bag.drop(Bag bag, Predicate pred)
          Drop all elements of a given bag where given predicate holds
static LP.ConsCell LZ.drop(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static LP.ConsCell LP.drop(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static java.lang.Object LZ.enumerateInterval(int low, int high)
static boolean FP.equals(java.lang.Object y, java.lang.Object z)
          Method to simplify the use of eq
static LP.ConsCell LZ.filter(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static LP.ConsCell LP.filter(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static java.lang.Number NUM.fixedPoint(Function f, double guess)
static java.lang.Object LZ.force(java.lang.Object object)
          Use the functional member force to force evaluation of a given delayed function
static boolean x)
          Return the boolean value of a given Boolean x as double
static boolean LP.isEmptyList(java.lang.Object stream)
static java.lang.Object LZ.iterRef(java.lang.Object stream, int n)
          Returns the nth element of a stream (iterative version)
static java.lang.Object LP.iterRef(java.lang.Object stream, int n)
static Bag Bag.keep(Bag bag, Predicate pred)
          Keep all elements of a given bag where given predicate holds
static LP.ConsCell LZ.keep(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static LP.ConsCell LP.keep(Predicate pred, LP.ConsCell lst)
static java.lang.Object LP.listRef(java.lang.Object stream, int n)
static java.lang.Object LP.makeEmptyList()
 java.lang.Iterable args)
 java.lang.Iterable args)
static Function f)
static java.lang.Iterable f, java.lang.Iterable args)
static java.lang.Object f, java.lang.Object steam)
static Function map)
static Function LP.mapcan(Function f, Function lst)
static boolean FP.nul(java.lang.Object x)
          Method to simplify the use of nul
 java.lang.Object PF.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
 java.lang.Object NUM.Unary.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
 java.lang.Object NUM.Binary.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
 java.lang.Object NUM.BinaryTest.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
 java.lang.Object LP.ConsCell.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
 java.lang.Object Function.operate(java.lang.Object[] operands)
          Override this to implement the actual operation realized by this function.
static Function PF.reduce(Function f, java.lang.Object init)
static java.lang.Object Function.reduce(java.lang.Iterable args, Function f, java.lang.Object initial)
 Bag Bag.removeIfNot(Predicate pred)
          Destructively remove all items from the bag for which the given predicate does not hold
static Function FP.rsel(int s)
          Method to simplify using rsel
static java.util.Collection FP.rtail(java.lang.Object x)
          Method to simplify using rtail
static Function FP.sel(int s)
          Method to simplify using sel
static java.lang.Object LZ.streamRef(java.lang.Object stream, int n)
          Returns the nth element of a stream (recursive version)
static java.util.Collection FP.tail(java.lang.Object x)
          Method to simplify using tail
 boolean Predicate.test(java.lang.Object arg)
abstract  boolean Pred.test(java.lang.Object arg)
 boolean Pred.Not.test(java.lang.Object arg)
 boolean Pred.And.test(java.lang.Object arg)
 boolean Pred.Or.test(java.lang.Object arg)
 boolean Pred.BinPred.test(java.lang.Object a, java.lang.Object b)
 PF PF.unary()
static Function PF.unary(Function f)
static double Function.val(java.lang.Object x)
          Return the value of a given number x as double
static Function FP.whyle(Predicate p, Function f)

Constructors in that throw Function.InvalidArguments