SVN Url:

Use this URL in your Subversion client.

Subversions Settings

Subversion is an open-source version control system. It manages files placed in a central repository. This repository acts much like a file server, except that it remembers every change ever made to your files and directories. This allows you to recover older versions of your data, and see what developer has changed which file

Update tickets from Subversion Comments

If ticket updates are enabled, you can update tickets by adding #ticket references in your comments. Use Closes #4 to close ticket 4. "closed", "close", "fix", "fixed", and "fixes" will also close a ticket. "Re #4", "references", "refs" and "see" will add a comment to the target ticket."test #4" will mark the ticket to "Ready to Test" and add the comment to the ticket.


Subversion Clients

In order to use Subversion, you will first have to install a Subversion client. Free graphical client software, which may make Subversion easier to use, is available for most systems:
For windows:
Makes all SVN commands available directly from the Windows Explorer.
For Mac OS X:
SC Plugin

For Linux and Unix:

Timeline  | 
Import all Trac tools - Subversion, Tickets and Wiki - to Assembla. This will add tools if they are missing. Click button to make a import request, then a background job will import the tickets. It can take up to 15 minutes. If data isn't imported after 15 minutes, use this button again.
Trac provides software development teams with ticket for bugs and feature requests, roadmap planning, a wiki, and Subversion integration. Assembla adds team permissioning and email alert management to Trac. Assembla always installs Trac with Subversion because Subversion alerts link to the trac code and changeset browser.