
Virtual Mat

Blog located at: http://blog.virtual-mat.net

Some time ago, I have decided to try writing online rpg table program, similar to Maptool. I actually did consider starting from Maptool, as I used to work on it a bit in the past, but it is very much 2d oriented, while I wanted to try something 3d (actually, it is more like 2.5d)

Trick which allowed me to bootstrap development is to reuse NWN (Neverwinter Nights) models and animations. Both me and my players have original version of NWN, so we can use the models for our play. There is also quite a lot of free models created by fans, so even without NWN, there should be enough content to get something working (said that, full version of nwn with all extensions costs few dollars in bargain bins...).

What is already implemented:

To be implemented: a LOT of things. It doesn't really make sense to list all the details, just few ideas I'm playing with

What is NOT in scope:

Teaser video
