With Maven CLI

Or how to use maven-eclipse-plugin which emits Eclipse metadata



The workflow :

Configure maven-eclipse-plugin :

    <!-- see http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-eclipse-plugin/eclipse-mojo.html for more information -->

For more configuration options or information take a look at the site of maven-eclipse-plugin

Configure source folders :

If you have a Scala only project, you need to configure sourceDirectory and testSourceDirectory as is ( required by maven-eclipse-plugin not by maven-scala-plugin ) :


For more configuration options or information take a look at the site of maven POM Overview (Technical Project Descriptor)

If you have a mixed Java/Scala project with code into separated root directory (like src/(main|test)/scala and src/(main|test)/java) : <!-- Adds src/main/scala and src/test/scala as source folders, from http://groups.google.com/group/liftweb/browse_thread/thread/3dac7002f9e59546/3918bba2f7a92cd3?pli=1 --> org.codehaus.mojo build-helper-maven-plugin add-source generate-sources add-source src/main/scala add-test-source generate-sources add-test-source src/test/scala

For more configuration options or information take a look at the site of build-helper-maven-plugin.

For configuration of the compilation under maven see doc of maven-scala-plugin :