
Using the Textile module

The Textile module allows you to parse Textile markup and convert it to HTML.

The SBT configuration is:

 "net.liftmodules" %% "textile_2.5" % "1.3" % "compile->default"


scala> import net.liftmodules.textile._                   
import net.liftmodules.textile._

scala> TextileParser.toHtml("""h1. Hi!              
     | The module in "Lift":http://www.liftweb.net for turning Textile markup into HTML is pretty easy to use.
     | * As you can see
     | * In this example
     | """)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq = 
, <p>The module in <a href="http://www.liftweb.net">Lift</a> for turning Textile markup into HTML is pretty easy to use.</p>, 
, <ul><li> As you can see</li>
<li> In this example</li>
, )

See also