Building Lift

Starting with version 2.3, Lift Framework uses SBT v0.7.7 for builds.
Starting with version 2.5, Lift Framework uses SBT v0.12.0 for builds.


Components of Lift Project have been grouped into multiple repositories under Lift organization in Github.

Continous Integration

Lift is using Jenkins to continuously build the SNAPSHOT version whenever code is committed on github. The status of the builds can be found on CloudBees


For convenience, there are helper scripts, liftsh and buildall. liftsh wraps SBT with sensible default tweaks for Lift. Every one of the four main Lift repos contains its own liftsh script . You are free to override these settings either via LIFTSH_OPTS environment variable or by having them tucked inside ~/.liftsh.config. Check out the inlined variable DEFAULT_OPTS inside liftsh for the the default tweaks.

The + in the build command ./liftsh +update +clean +publish indicates all versions should be built, e.g. 2.9.1, 2.9.0-1, 2.8.2 etc. If you modify project/, you can configure the build to just build the version of that you need, e.g. build.scala.versions=2.9.1


liftsh being a simple wrapper around SBT, all the usual SBT commands are available at your disposal. Specifically, Lift follows exactly the same set of actions for build workflow as recommended and documented by SBT.

A few interesting things about Lift’s SBT setup that you might want to be aware of:


The buildall script, located in the superbuild repo under the scripts/ directory, essentially does a full build of each of the repos in dependency order . Running buildall with no arguments does a full local clean and deployment , and is intended to be an equivalent to the old Maven full build before the repos were split. Any command line arguments to buildall are prepended to each repo’s liftsh call. For example, if you wanted to build at warn level or higher:

superbuild/scripts/buildall warn

Note that the buildall script assumes that your local checkouts of the superbuild, framework, modules and examples repos are sibling directories.

Building for a Specific Sub-Project

Sometimes you want to only build one subproject of the top-level project. You can do this by prepending a project qualifier to the liftsh command:

./liftsh "project lift-testkit" test


Publishing to local Maven repository

For publishing to the standard local Maven repository, $HOME/.m2/repository, issue these commands in the sbt-console:

set publishTo in ThisBuild := Some(Resolver.file("file",  new File(Path.userHome.absolutePath+"/.m2/repository")))