Ontology Day

List of Literature Resources

    W3C Specification Document for OWL2 - http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-owl2-syntax-20091027/

    Ontology Development 101 - http://protege.stanford.edu/publications/ontology_development/ontology101-noy-mcguinness.html


Presentation Outline

  1. Outline
    1. Purpose of Presentation
    2. Participants Attending..
    3. Pizza?
  2. Start with an Example
    1. How do you describe information/knowledge about wine?
    2. Traditional Methodology -> Mock-up Relational Database Schema
      1. Strengths of Database Management?
      2. Weaknesses? Limitations?faf
    3. Well what about....
      1. Adding context to relationships..
      2. Inferring relationships that were not asserted (i.e. undefined)
  3. What is an Ontology?  (For Huy to Develop)
    1. Defintion
    2. Short Example: Wine Ontology in OWL
    3. Thoughts about IRI? Imports? Annotation?
  4. Ontology Characteristics Part 1:  Entities/Literals
    1. Entities/Classes
      1. Taxomony of Classes
    2. Individuals
    3. Data Proerties
      1. Domain/Range
      2. Datatypes
    4. Object Properties
      1. Domain/Range
  5. Ontology Chartertistics Part 2:  Expressions
    1. Intersections/Unions/Compliments
    2. Object Property Restrictions
    3. Object Property Cardinality
    4. Data Property Restrictions
    5. Data Property Cardinality
  6. Ontology Characteristics Part 3: Axioms
    1. Class Expression Axioms
    2. Object Property Axioms
      1. Understanding Inferred Property Versus Asserted Property
      2. Object Sub-Properties
      3. Functional Properties
      4. Inverse-Functional
      5. Reflexive/Irreflexive
      6. Symmetric/Assymetric
    3. Data Property Axioms
      1. Equivelant Data Properties
      2. Functional Data Properties
  7. Ontology Characteristics Part 4: Annotation
  8. Concluding Remarks