Description Resource Path Location Type while compiling: C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\workspace\PdfCropper\src\org\jaylib\pdfcropper\PdfCropperFx.scala during phase: patmat library version: version 2.10.0 compiler version: version 2.10.0 reconstructed args: -encoding Cp1252 -bootclasspath C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jfr.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\classes;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\437\1\.cp\lib\scala-library.jar -Xpluginsdir C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\436\1\.cp\lib -classpath C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\resources.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\rt.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jce.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jfr.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\access-bridge-64.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\dnsns.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\jaccess.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\localedata.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\sunec.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\sunjce_provider.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\sunmscapi.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\ext\zipfs.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\workspace\PdfCropper\bin;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\437\1\.cp\lib\scala-swing.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\437\1\.cp\lib\scala-actors.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\436\1\.cp\lib\scala-reflect.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\jre\lib\jfxrt.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\workspace\PdfCropper\itextpdf-5.3.5.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\workspace\PdfCropper\jfxtras-labs-2.2-r5-20130102.111823-13.jar;C:\Users\Michael\Programs\eclipsedistros\eclipse-scala\workspace\DebugMacro\bin last tree to typer: Ident(x1) symbol: value x1 (flags: case ) symbol definition: case val x1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) tpe: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) symbol owners: value x1 context owners: value c -> value $anonfun -> value keyHandler -> anonymous class $anon -> method start -> class PdfCropperFx -> package pdfcropper == Enclosing template or block == Template( // val : , tree.tpe=Object{} "java.lang.Object" // parents ValDef( private "_" ) // 12 statements DefDef( // def (): Object{} "" [] List(Nil) // tree.tpe=Object{} Block( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // def (): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=Object $anon.super."" // def (): Object in class Object, tree.tpe=()Object Nil ) () ) ) ValDef( // private[this] var dist: Int private "dist " // tree.tpe=Int 1 ) DefDef( // private def dist: Int private "dist" [] Nil // tree.tpe=Int $anon.this."dist " // private[this] var dist: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) DefDef( // private def dist_=(x$1: Int): Unit private "dist_$eq" [] // 1 parameter list ValDef( // x$1: Int "x$1" // tree.tpe=Int ) // tree.tpe=Unit Assign( // tree.tpe=Unit $anon.this."dist " // private[this] var dist: Int, tree.tpe=Int "x$1" // x$1: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ) DefDef( // private def d: Int private "d" [] Nil // tree.tpe=Int $anon.this."dist" // private def dist: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ValDef( // private[this] var lastKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) private "lastKey " // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) Apply( // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) TypeApply( // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=(y: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) scala.this.Predef.any2ArrowAssoc[javafx.scene.input.KeyCode](SPACE)."$minus$greater" // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=[B](y: B)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, B) // tree.tpe=Boolean ) true ) ) DefDef( // private def lastKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) private "lastKey" [] Nil // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) $anon.this."lastKey " // private[this] var lastKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) ) DefDef( // private def lastKey_=(x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean)): Unit private "lastKey_$eq" [] // 1 parameter list ValDef( // x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) "x$1" // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) ) // tree.tpe=Unit Assign( // tree.tpe=Unit $anon.this."lastKey " // private[this] var lastKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) "x$1" // x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) ) ) ValDef( // private[this] val keyHandler: javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent => Unit private "keyHandler " // tree.tpe=javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent => Unit Function( // val $anonfun: , tree.tpe=javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent => Unit ValDef( // event: javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent "event" // tree.tpe=javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent ) Block( // tree.tpe=Unit // 4 statements ValDef( // val newKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) "newKey" // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) Apply( // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) TypeApply( // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=(y: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) scala.this.Predef.any2ArrowAssoc[javafx.scene.input.KeyCode](event.getCode())."$minus$greater" // def ->[B](y: B): (A, B) in class ArrowAssoc, tree.tpe=[B](y: B)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, B) // tree.tpe=Boolean ) Apply( // final def isShiftDown(): Boolean in class KeyEvent, tree.tpe=Boolean "event"."isShiftDown" // final def isShiftDown(): Boolean in class KeyEvent, tree.tpe=()Boolean Nil ) ) ) If( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // final def ==(x$1: AnyRef): Boolean in class Object, tree.tpe=Boolean $anon.this."lastKey"."$eq$eq" // final def ==(x$1: AnyRef): Boolean in class Object, tree.tpe=(x$1: AnyRef)Boolean "newKey" // val newKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) ) Apply( // private def dist_=(x$1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit $anon.this."dist_$eq" // private def dist_=(x$1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x$1: Int)Unit Apply( // def min(x$1: Int,x$2: Int): Int in object Math, tree.tpe=Int java.this."lang"."Math"."min" // def min(x$1: Int,x$2: Int): Int in object Math, tree.tpe=(x$1: Int, x$2: Int)Int // 2 arguments 8 Apply( // def *(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int $anon.this."d"."$times" // def *(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int 2 ) ) ) Block( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // private def dist_=(x$1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit $anon.this."dist_$eq" // private def dist_=(x$1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x$1: Int)Unit 1 ) Apply( // private def lastKey_=(x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean)): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit $anon.this."lastKey_$eq" // private def lastKey_=(x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean)): Unit, tree.tpe=(x$1: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean))Unit "newKey" // val newKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) ) ) ) DefDef( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit "setCrop" [] // 1 parameter list ValDef( // x0: Int "x0" // tree.tpe=Int ) ValDef( // y0: Int "y0" // tree.tpe=Int ) ValDef( // x1: Int "x1" // tree.tpe=Int ) ValDef( // y1: Int "y1" // tree.tpe=Int ) // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // def cropBox_=(newCropBox: org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox): Unit in class CropLogic, tree.tpe=Unit "logic"."cropBox_$eq" // def cropBox_=(newCropBox: org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox): Unit in class CropLogic, tree.tpe=(newCropBox: org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox)Unit Apply( // def apply(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox in object CropBox, tree.tpe=org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox "CropBox"."apply" // def apply(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox in object CropBox, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox // 4 arguments "x0" // x0: Int, tree.tpe=Int "y0" // y0: Int, tree.tpe=Int "x1" // x1: Int, tree.tpe=Int "y1" // y1: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ) ) ValDef( // val c: org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox "c" // tree.tpe=org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox "logic"."cropBox" // def cropBox: org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox in class CropLogic, tree.tpe=org.jaylib.pdfcropper.CropBox ) Match( // tree.tpe=Unit "newKey" // val newKey: (javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean), tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 26 cases CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments RIGHT false ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x0"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y0" // val y0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x1"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y1" // val y1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments RIGHT true ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x0"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y0" // val y0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x1"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y1" // val y1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments LEFT false ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x0"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y0" // val y0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x1"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y1" // val y1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments LEFT true ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x0"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y0" // val y0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."x1"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."y1" // val y1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments DOWN false ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments "c"."x0" // val x0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y0"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."x1" // val x1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y1"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments DOWN true ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments "c"."x0" // val x0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y0"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."x1" // val x1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y1"."$plus" // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments UP false ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments "c"."x0" // val x0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y0"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) "c"."x1" // val x1: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y1"."$minus" // def -(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=(x: Int)Int $anon.this."d" // private def d: Int, tree.tpe=Int ) ) ) CaseDef( // tree.tpe=Unit Apply( // tree.tpe=(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // tree.tpe=(_1: javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, _2: Boolean)(javafx.scene.input.KeyCode, Boolean) // 2 arguments UP true ) Apply( // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=Unit "setCrop" // def setCrop(x0: Int,y0: Int,x1: Int,y1: Int): Unit, tree.tpe=(x0: Int, y0: Int, x1: Int, y1: Int)Unit // 4 arguments "c"."x0" // val x0: Int in class CropBox, tree.tpe=Int Apply( // def +(x: Int): Int in class Int, tree.tpe=Int "c"."y0"."$plus" // d PdfCropper Unknown Scala Problem SBT builder crashed while compiling. The error message is 'null'. Check Error Log for details. PdfCropper Unknown Scala Problem Error in Scala compiler: null PdfCropper Unknown Scala Problem