namespace PurelyFunctionalDataStructures #light type Heap<'a> = | E | T of int * 'a * Heap<'a> * Heap<'a> module LeftistHeap = exception EmptyException let empty = E let rank h = match h with | E -> 0 | T(r, _,_,_) -> r let makeT x a b = if rank a >= rank b then T(rank b + 1, x, a, b) else T(rank a + 1, x, b, a) let isEmpty h = if h = E then true else false let rec merge l r = match l,r with | l,E -> l | E,r -> r | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) -> if lx <= rx then makeT lx la (merge lb rh) else makeT rx ra (merge lh rb) let insert x h = merge (T(1,x,E,E)) h let findMin = function | E -> raise EmptyException | T(_,x,a,b) -> x let deleteMin = function | E -> raise EmptyException | T(_,x,a,b) -> merge a b let rec eq l r = let res = match l,r with | E,E -> true | E,T(_,_,_,_) -> false | T(_,_,_,_),E -> false | T(lrank, lval, lchildLeft, lchildRight) as left, (T(rrank, rval, rchildLeft, rchildRight) as right) -> lrank = rrank && lval = rval && (eq lchildLeft rchildLeft) && (eq lchildRight rchildRight) if not res then printfn "left: %A\nright: %A" l r res let count h = let rec count' h acc cont = match h with | E -> cont (acc) | T(_,_,left,right) -> let f = (fun lc -> count' right lc cont) count' left (acc+1) f count' h 0 (fun (x: int) -> x) // Excercise 3.2 let rec insert3_2 x h = match h with | E -> T(1, x, E, E) | T(_, value, left, right) -> if (x <= value) then makeT x E h else makeT value left (insert3_2 x right) // Excercise 3.3 let fromList l = let singletons = (fun v -> T(1,v,E,E)) l let rec reMerge l acc = match l with | [] -> E, acc | h::[] -> h, acc | h1::h2::t -> let acc = acc + 1 let rest = reMerge t acc (merge (merge h1 h2) (fst(rest))), snd(rest) let result = reMerge singletons 0 printfn "Merge count %d" (snd(result)) fst(result) module WeightBiasedLeftistHeap = exception EmptyException let size h = let rec count' h acc cont = match h with | E -> cont (acc) | T(_,_,left,right) -> let f = (fun lc -> count' right lc cont) count' left (acc+1) f count' h 0 (fun (x: int) -> x) let weight h = match h with | E -> 0 | T(w, _,_,_) -> w let makeT x a b = let weightA = weight a let weightB = weight b if weightA >= weightB then T(weightA + weightB + 1, x, a, b) else T(weightA + weightB + 1, x, b, a) let isEmpty h = if h = E then true else false // excercise 3.4 // let rec merge3_4 l r = // match l,r with // | l,E -> l // | E,r -> r // | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) -> // if lx <= rx then // let right = merge3_4 lb rh // let weightA = weight la // let weightB = weight right // // if weightA >= weightB then // T(weightA + weightB + 1, lx, la, right) // else // T(weightA + weightB + 1, lx, right, la) // else // let right = merge3_4 lh rb // let weightA = weight ra // let weightB = weight right // // makeT rx ra (merge lh rb) // excercise 3.4 // this doesn't work, I couldn't figure out how to do this in a single pass let merge3_4 l r = let rec merge' l r value leftChild = match l,r with | l,E -> makeT value leftChild l | E,r -> makeT value leftChild r | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) -> if lx <= rx then merge' lb rh lx la //(fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h)) else merge' lh rb rx ra //(fun h -> makeT(rx, ra, h)) match l, r with | l, E -> l | E, r -> r | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) -> let lf = fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h) if lx <= rx then merge' lb rh lx la // (fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h)) else merge' lh rb rx ra // (fun h -> makeT(rx, ra, h)) let rec merge l r = match l,r with | l,E -> l | E,r -> r | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) -> if lx <= rx then makeT lx la (merge lb rh) else makeT rx ra (merge lh rb) let insert x h = merge (T(1,x,E,E)) h let insert3_4 x h = merge3_4 (T(1,x,E,E)) h let findMin = function | E -> raise EmptyException | T(_,x,a,b) -> x let deleteMin = function | E -> raise EmptyException | T(_,x,a,b) -> merge a b let rec eq l r = let res = match l,r with | E,E -> true | E,T(_,_,_,_) -> false | T(_,_,_,_),E -> false | T(lweight, lval, lchildLeft, lchildRight) as left, (T(rweight, rval, rchildLeft, rchildRight) as right) -> lweight = rweight && lval = rval && (eq lchildLeft rchildLeft) && (eq lchildRight rchildRight) if not res then printfn "left: %A\nright: %A" l r res