Creating form views from json-schema - autoloading required dependencies

Recommended reading, and the shoulders this builds on:

JSON-Schema & inputEx - YUI3 based field framework & YUI3 App Framework

Add User
    //Define Schema
    var user_schema = {
      "User": {
        "id": "User",
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "optional": false
          "email": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "email",
          "awesome": {
            "type": "boolean"
    //Feed it to Builder - resolves dependencies and preps
    var builder = new Y.inputEx.JsonSchema.Builder({
      'schemaIdentifierMap': user_schema,
      'defaultOptions': {
        'showMsg': true
    // Todo: More appropriate way to show this in an example?
    UserNS = Y.namespace('MySchemApp.User');
    // Create inputex definition from schema
    UserNS.inputEx_def = builder.schemaToInputEx(user_schema.User);
    UserNS.schema = user_schema;
    Y.UserModel = Y.Base.create('userModel', Y.Model, [], {
      schemApp: Y.MySchemApp.User,
      // This tells the Model to use a localStorage sync provider (which we will
      // create below) to save and load information about a user item.
      sync: Y.LocalStorageSync('SchemApp_User')
    }, {
    // -- User view -----------------------------------------------------------
    // The UserView class extends Y.View and customizes it to represent the content
    // of a single user entry in the list. It also handles DOM events on the entry to
    // allow it to be edited and removed from the list.
    Y.UserView = Y.Base.create('userView', Y.View, [], {
      // Delegated DOM events to handle interactions within this view.
      events: {
        // When the text of this item is clicked or focused, switch to edit
        // mode to allow editing.
        '.user-view': {
          mousedown: 'edit',
          focus: 'edit'
        // When the remove icon is clicked, delete this user.
        '.user-remove': {
          click: 'remove'
      initializer: function() {
        // Gets passed when view is instanced.
        var model = this.model,
            form_def = model.schemApp.inputEx_def,
            view = this;
        //Dirty hack to prevent saving too often
        view.oldVals = "";
        Y.inputEx.use([form_def], function() {
          //Create form
          view.form = Y.inputEx(form_def);
          // TODO: Move to event handler or callback
          // This obviously should not be here
          // but right now we cannot be sure if we already rendered
          //Set Values
          //Append to container
          // Attach form listener
          view.form.after('updated',, view);
        // Re-render this view when the model changes, and destroy this view
        // when the model is destroyed.
        model.after('change', this.render, this);
        model.after('destroy', this.destroy, this);
      render: function() {
        var container = this.container,
            model = this.model,
            form = this.form,
            form_def = model.schemApp.inputEx_def;
        //TODO: See above re callbacks or events
        if (form) {
          //Set Values
          //Append to container
        this.inputNode ='input[name="name"]');
        return this;
      // -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
      // Toggles this item into edit mode.
      edit: function() {
      // Removes this item from the list.
      remove: function(e) {
          'delete': true
      // Toggles this item out of edit mode and saves it.
      save: function() {
        var currVals = this.form.getValue(),
            oldVals = this.oldVals;
        if (this.form.validate() && oldVals != currVals) {
          oldVals = currVals;
    // -- ModelList ----------------------------------------------------------------
    // The UserList class extends Y.ModelList and customizes it to hold a list of
    // UserModel instances, and could provide some convenience methods for getting
    // information about the items in the list.
    Y.UserList = Y.Base.create('userList', Y.ModelList, [], {
      // This tells the list that it will hold instances of the UserModel class.
      model: Y.UserModel,
      sync: Y.LocalStorageSync('SchemApp_User'),
      // Returns an array of all models in this list with the `awesome` attribute
      // set to `false`, or maybe true - you figure it out.
      awesome: function(match) {
        return Y.Array.filter(this.toArray(), function(model) {
          return model.get('awesome') == match;
    // -- AppView ----------------------------------------------------------------
    UserAppView = Y.UserAppView = Y.Base.create('userAppView', Y.View, [], {
      // The container node is the wrapper for this view.  
      // This is a custom property that holds a reference to the
      // "Add User" input field.
      // This is where we attach DOM events for the view. The `events` object is a
      // mapping of selectors to an object containing one or more events to attach
      // to the node(s) matching each selector.
      events: {
        // Handle clicks on the "Add User" element.
        '.add-user': {
          click: 'createUser'
        // Show only awesome users
        '.only-awesome': {
          click: 'onlyAwesome'
      // The initializer runs when a UserAppView instance is created, and gives
      // us an opportunity to set up the view.
      initializer: function(config) {
        // Create a new UserList instance to hold the users.
        var list = this.userList = new Y.UserList();
        // Update the display when a new item is added to the list, or when the
        // entire list is reset.
        list.after('add', this.add, this);
        list.after('reset', this.reset, this);
        // Re-render the stats in the footer whenever a user is added, removed
        // or changed, or when the entire list is reset.
        list.after(['add', 'reset', 'remove', 'userModel:doneChange'], this.render, this);
        // Load saved items from localStorage, if available.
      // The render function is called whenever an user is added, removed, or
      // changed, thanks to the list event handler we attached in the initializer
      // above.
      render: function() {
        var userList = this.userList,
            stats ='#user-stats'),
            numAwesome, numUnAwesome;
        // If there are no users, then clear the stats.
        if (userList.isEmpty()) {
          return this;
        // Figure out how many awesome users there are.
        numAwesome = userList.awesome(true).length;
        numUnAwesome = userList.awesome(false).length;
        // Update the statistics.
        stats.setContent(Y.Lang.sub(this.template, {
          numUnAwesome: numUnAwesome,
          numAwesome: numAwesome,
          unAwesomeLabel: numUnAwesome === 1 ? 'user' : 'users',
          awesomeLabel: numAwesome === 1 ? 'user' : 'users'
        // If everyone is awesome, get rid of the "Purge
        // Users" link.
        if (!numUnAwesome) {
        return this;
      // -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
      // Creates a new UserView instance and renders it into the list whenever a
      // user is added to the list.
      add: function(e) {
        var view = new Y.UserView({
          model: e.model
      // Removes all unAwesome from the list.
      onlyAwesome: function(e) {
        var notSoAwesome = this.userList.awesome(false);
        // Remove all unAwesome users from the list, but do it silently so as not
        // to re-render the app view after each item is removed.
        this.userList.remove(notSoAwesome, {
          silent: true
        // Destroy each removed UserModel instance.
        Y.Array.each(notSoAwesome, function(user) {
          // Passing {'delete': true} to the `destroy()` method on user model
          // tells it to delete itself from localStorage as well.
            'delete': true
        // Finally, re-render the app view.
      // Creates a new user item when "Add User" is clicked
      createUser: function(e) {
        // This tells the list to create a new UserModel instance with the
        // specified values and automatically save it to localStorage in a
        // single step.
          "name": "",
          "email": "",
          "awesome": false
      // Creates and renders views for every user item in the list when the entire
      // list is reset.
      reset: function(e) {
        var fragment =;
        Y.Array.each(e.models, function(model) {
          var view = new Y.UserView({
            model: model
    Y.userApp = new Y.UserAppView();
    var awesomeUser = {
      "name": "Joe Developer",
      "email": "",
      "awesome": true
    var gotAwesome = Y.Array.find(Y.userApp.userList.toArray(), function(u) {
      var ua = u.getAttrs();
      return ( === && ua.awesome === true);
    if (!gotAwesome) {